Funeral Luncheon Ministry Update
A team of volunteers provide funeral luncheons to parishioners in Frederick Hall after the services. Families return to the parish center and are served a stress free lunch as these volunteers take care of everything!
We are in need of volunteers to help. You never have to give more than a couple hours of your time because of the various jobs. For example, after the food is served, the clean up committee will arrive.
As a volunteer you can choose to …
- set up the day before
- prepare and serve the food
- cleanup
- provide a dessert
Volunteers are called when a luncheon is scheduled. At that time, you can decide if you are available for that luncheon.
You never have to give more than a couple hours of your time.
If you would like to signup to help fill out this form here or call the church office
717-272-5674. We would love to have you.
ABVM Funeral Luncheon Volunteer
A team of volunteers provide funeral luncheons to parishioners in Frederick Hall after the services. Families return to the parish center and are served a stress free lunch as these volunteers take care of everything! We are in need of volunteers to help. You never have to give more than a couple hours of your time because of the various jobs. For example, after the food is served, the clean up committee will arrive. As a volunteer you can choose to … – [ ] set up the day before – [ ] prepare and serve the food – [ ] cleanup – [ ] provide a dessert. Volunteers are called when a luncheon is scheduled. At that time, you can decide if you are available for that luncheon. You never have to give more than a couple hours of your time. If you would like to signup to help fill out this form here or call the church office 717-272-5674. We would love to have you.