Prayer Requests

Monthly Food Collection

The third weekend of each month is the designated date for collection of food for Lebanon County Christian Ministries (LCCM) and Jonestown Outreach Pantry (JOY). These community outreach centers really depend on your contributions. Keep your food items coming and thank you in advance for your generosity. Please remember the poor boxes when you leave Church as this money goes to help the poor who come to our door .  Thank you so much and God bless you!

JOY Pantry ( Jonestown)

Candle for Your Intentions

If you are interested in having the sanctuary candle burn before the Blessed Sacrament for a week for your intentions:
1) ABVM main church,
2) ABVM daily Mass chapel or 3) Our Lady of Fatima Mission
Please contact the parish office for available dates at 717-272-5674. The cost is $15.00

Flowers for Loved Ones

If you would like to have the flowers on the altar in honor/memory of a loved one, please contact the parish office at 717-272-5674 to find out which weeks are available. Cost for the flower memorial is $40.00.