Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council consists of parishioners who advise the pastor regarding the temporal and spiritual needs of the parish in accordance with Canon Law, civil law and diocesan regulations.
Finance Council
The Finance Council consists of parishioners who are appointed by the pastor and who advise annual budget, the stewardship of parish funds and the parish’s compliance with diocesan financial policies.
Council of Catholic Women
Council of Catholic Women is a Catholic women’s service organization. This group of ladies is affiliated with Harrisburg Diocesan Council of Catholic Women and The National Council of Catholic Women and follow the mandates set by both HDCCW and NCCW. All ladies of the parish are members ! Come join in being an active member by attending meetings the third Saturday of each month at 8:30 AM in the East Meeting Room. Or contact Patricia Anderson, (717) 272-5674. Click here to learn more: Council of Catholic Women
The Holy Name Society
The Holy Name Society is a Catholic Men’s organization devoted to honoring the HOLY NAME of JESUS. If interested in becoming involved, contact Robert Mettley, (717) 272-9871.
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is a men’s fraternal service organization. Contact Robert Mettley, (717) 272-9871, if interested in joining.
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