Trio: Elijah, Rashko and Lisa

Create in Me a Clean Heart : ABVM Choir

ABVM Choir

Father Bob on Trumpet

Scheherazade Piano by Rashko Nutaitis

The Church’s One Foundation: The Sounds  of Glory Orchestra



Mrs. Kim Potocny performed a beautiful piano solo titled “Pie Jesu” (Andrew Lloyd Webber). In addition, Kim accompanied the orchestra and choir in many of their performances. No doubt her talent is easily heard in all the songs she accompanied. I  sincerely regret that due to technical error on my part, I do not have Kim’s solo for you to enjoy here. Kim, I apologize to you and to all who were looking forward to listening to your solo.   Debbie Granger



Adult Choir Members

Marion Bleistine ,  Melody Reigh,  Gail O’Neil, Rosemary Campbell,  Lanie Abeleda,  Elijah Hostetter,  Dr. Lisa Murko,  Anne Therese Remy, Carol Ellenberger,  Joanne Lazorcik,  Carmela Friend,  Lauren Rothenberger

Orchestra Members

first violin  Elijah Hostetter,  Second violin  Rashko Nutaitis,  viola  Dr. Lisa Murko,  oboe  Karen Swetland,  clarinet Kathy Snavely,  alto saxophone Shane Swetland,  trumpet Jim Foster,  trumpet. Reverend Robert Gillelan, piano Kim Potocny, drums Scott Friend

St. Cecilia, the Patroness of musicians :  Feast Day November 22nd

          St. Cecilia pray for us and bless all those in our parish who share their gifts of music to enrich our liturgy and our lives with song!

Reflection “Cecilia sang in her heart, and sometimes with her voice. She has become a symbol of the Church’s conviction that good music is an integral part of the liturgy, of greater value to the Church than any other art.’