“The true beauty of a church choir is that their voices and their hearts are knit together in praise.”

Ave Maria on the Feast of the Assumption

Adult Choir

                The parish adult choir is a mixed group of all ages who support and provide music to enhance liturgical prayer at designated masses throughout the year. All individuals aged 18 and older are welcome. An individual does not need to be trained or have any previous experience to be a part of our choir, only the desire to sing in a group atmosphere. We rehearse every Wednesday at 7:00 pm in Saint Mary’s Church. Please do not hesitate to contact our music director Mr. Rashko Nutaitis at (717) 272-5674, ext.3106, or email rnutaitis@hbgdiocese.org.


               Cantors are vital in leading the assembly in song and singing solo for the  Responsorial Psalm and Gospel Acclamations.  In addition, cantors invite the assembly to sing for hymns and litanies during special masses.  A cantor’s  leadership skills set an example for our parishioners with their strong voice and ability to engage parishioners by encouraging all to  join in song.  An individual that desires to be a cantor will participate at least one day a week in rehearsal and  consequently are  scheduled for specific masses throughout the year. Please do not hesitate to contact our music director, Mr. Rashko Nutaitis at (717) 272-5674, ext.3106, or email rnutaitis@hbgdiocese.org.

Children’s Choir

               The parish children’s choir is a newly formed choir made up of children from 2nd grade to 8th grade. Any child that can read and has a desire to sing may join. We rehearse in St. Mary’s Church on Sunday afternoons at 3:00pm. Children play an active role in mass. Through children’s choir, a child can develop greater music skills, a deeper understanding of our faith, and be active patticipants in mass. We know children can be very distracted and distracting in mass, this is a great way to allow our children to better understand the mass and serve our Lord. Please do not hesitate to contact our Music Director, Mr. Rashko Nutiaitis at (717) 272-5674, ext.3106, or email rnutaitis@hbgdiocese.org.



              *Includes organ/piano, guitar, drums.
Individual/group instrumentalists that desire to be participants in mass are always encouraged and welcomed! We have opportunities for solo and group playing throughout the year for. Instrumentalists accompany our choirs and assembly with their unique talents.

Please do not hesitate to contact our Music Director, Mr. Rashko Nutiaitis at (717) 272-5674 ext.3106, or email rnutaitis@hbgdiocese.org.